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Contact form for your questions and comments.

You can use this form for all your questions or comments.

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At the bottom of this page there are also a number of questions with the answers

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** If you have any questions about becoming a model, I would like to ask you to read the "Model Info" page first.

When the message has been sent you will receive a message on the screen.

If you do not receive a response from me within 1 day, something went wrong and I would like to ask you to use my email or call me?

Because I get a lot of messages (automatically sent by computers) I added a verification.

Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)

  • What is the print run of a work of art?

    The maximum print run of a work of art is 1

  • Where are the photo sessions held?

    Until now the photo sessions have been held at the models place, but it is also possible at the artist place in Amersfoort. (The Netherlands).
    For assignments, in consultation it's possible to keep the photo shoot at the model's place .

  • How many artworks are made for artworks commissioned?

    This depends on the suitable photos from the photo session, but you have a choice of at least 3 artworks (and often also in variations)

  • Can anyone become a Photobodyart model?

    In principle, anyone can be a model (here it is important to me that the model is not artificially "embellished")
    It also depends on the moment (how many registrations are there and what have been the last models).
    There is currently room for women and couples (f / f and m / f)

    This obviously does not apply to commissioned work.

  • Does the model have to be recognizable?

    I would like to show more of the model than just the beautiful exterior and that is difficult if the model has to be unrecognizable. Because I have now worked with different models that must be unrecognizable, I now want to work with models that may be recognizable.

  • Will the model be paid?

    I work with models that like what I make and therefore want to pose for it, as a thank you they can choose a piece of art that I make from them.

  • Adjustments visit and photo shoots related to Corona

    In connection with Corona, there are (with a number of rules) only photo shoots for commissioned work, but I can put you on the list as a model with whom I can go to work if the weather is possible.

    Also in connection with Corona, a visit to the Gallery to view more examples is only possible to a limited extent and by appointment only.

Fotobodyart Nederland